Who we Worship?

By Scheikh Saleh Al Saleh rahimahullah
Dr Saleh As-Saleh (rahimahullah ) is from the foremost students of Shaykh Ibnul-Uthaymeen (rahimahullaah). He took knowledge from the Shaykh from a long distance for a while, then on a continuous basis from 1412-1415H and then regularly from 1415H where he became a dedicated student and studied with him until his death in 1421H. Dr Saleh lived around 500 yards from Shaykh’s Ibnul-Uthaymeen’s house and has been blessed by Allaah to have obtained a PHd in Medical Biochemistry and was a professor at Qaasim University, KSA. Furthermore, he is a well-known author of many great writings and books. He resided in 'Unayzah, KSA and was active in his call to the da’wah of the salaf assalih . He´s hold regular classes in the English Language on Paltalk, under Social Issues, Room: Understand Islam 1.



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